Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fruit Kinco or kawista

once when I was a kid, still often eat this fruit.
but now see the person selling it has been rare.
if it's only natural fruit including fruit rare. because this fruit only once a year to bear fruit.

The fruit is very hard skin, just as hard with the palm. to eat this fruit should slam first. if eating the most delicious fruit is mixed with sugar ... mixed sweet sour taste.

Fruit Kinco or Kawista was having efficacy as a natural aphrodisiac that is the way to eat it as a regular fruit mixed with sugar. Eat an hour before the 'touch'.

Friday, December 10, 2010

You Hydrates???

Check whether you are dehydrated by the color of your urine.

become healthy just by drinking water regularly

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Fruit ciplukan ((Physallisa angulata L) and Withanolid Fisalin contains compounds that can cure cancer.

"Fisalin and Withanolid are cytotoxic to some cancer cells and could inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, lung, and blood cancers," said the student at the Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Amelilinda Monikawati Tuesday.

Amelilinda with Inna Amandari and Sofa Farida successfully tested the potential kemopreventif etanolik herb extracts ciplukan on breast cancer cells.

Thanks to test potential anti-cancer research at the third ciplukan Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University student won a Young Researcher Competition Indonesian Elections (PPRI), the field of Natural Sciences, 2010.

"In vitro, the study managed to suppress cancer cell growth by 20 percent. From research conducted ciplukan strengthens the hypothesis has the potential to be developed as an agent kemopreventif," he said.

Not only in vitro, said he was to support the research potential as agents ciplukan kemopreventif on breast cancer also conducted a test in vivo.

"Test in vivo aimed to observe the effect of herb extracts on animals etanolik test strain Sprague Dawley female rats," he said.

During this time, he said breast cancer treatment with chemotherapy is considered less effective because it often creates resistance and few side effects.

"Side effects from chemotherapy such as nausea, vomiting, toxicity to normal tissue, cardiac toxicity, and suppress the immune system," he said.

Therefore, he says it takes an alternative cancer therapy that is more secure, affordable, effective, and does not harm the immune system.

Acne alias jerawat

Acne begins when the pores in the skin become clogged and can no longer drain sebum (an oil made by the sebaceous glands that protects and moisturizes the skin.) The sebum build-up causes the surrounding hair follicle to swell

Hair follicles swollen with sebum are called comedones. If the sebum stays beneath the skin, the comedones produce white bumps called whiteheads. If the sebum reaches the surface of the skin, the comedones produce darkened bumps called blackheads. This black discoloration is due to sebum darkening when it is exposed to air. It is not due to dirt. Both whiteheads and blackheads may stay in the skin for a long time.
Bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) that normally live on the top of the skin can enter the clogged pores and infect the sebum. This causes the skin to become swollen, red, and painful.

Infected sebaceous glands may burst, releasing sebum and bacteria into the surrounding skin, creating additional inflammation. In severe cases, larger nodules and cysts may form in the deeper layers of the skin

Propionibacterium acnes

Propionibacterium acnes is a relatively slow growing, typically aerotolerant anaerobic gram positive bacterium (rod) that is linked to the skin condition acne; it can also cause chronic blepharitis and endophthalmitis, the latter particularly following intraocular surgery. The genome of the bacterium has been sequenced and a study has shown several genes that can generate enzymes for degrading skin and proteins that may be immunogenic (activate the immune system).

This bacteria is largely commensal and part of the skin flora present on most people's skin; and lives on fatty acids in the sebaceous glands on sebum secreted by follicles. It may also be found throughout the gastrointestinal tract in humans and many other animals. It is named after its ability to generate propionic acid.

When a pore is blocked, this anaerobic bacterium overgrows and secretes chemicals that break down the wall of the pore, spilling bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus into the skin, and forming an acne lesion (folliculitis). It has also been found in corneal ulcers, and on very few occasions damaging heart valves leading to endocarditis, and infections of joints (septic arthritis) have been reported. Furthermore, Propionibacterium have been found in ventriculostomy insertion sites, and areas subcutaneous to suture sites in patients that have undergone craniotomy. Propionibacterium acnes can be found in bronchoalveolar lavage of approximately 70% patients with sarcoidosis and is associated with disease activity, however it can be also found in 23% of controls

Pic. P acnes
P. acnes can be killed by benzoyl peroxide, tetracycline group and other antibiotics, and many antibacterial preparations, including clove oil . Tetracycline-resistant P. acnes is now quite common. Clindamycin is also frequently used. New facts show that P. acnes is sensitive to some macrolides such as azithromycin, which has a wide spectrum of action. It is normally prescribed 500 mg by mouth, three times weekly for 4 to 6 weeks, but may have post-antibiotic effects by remaining concentrated in lung tissue for approximately 5 days after treatment stops. Fluoroquinolones may also be effective against P. acnes such as nadifloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and levofloxacin.[citation needed] They are active against P. acnes and some other microorganisms that are also part of the poly-infection

Aspal Bisa Menghasilkan Tenaga Listrik !

 aspal bukan hanya buat jalan untuk kendaraan bermotor agar meluncur dengan mulus dan cepat. Ia juga digagas untuk mengumpulkan energi matahari atau surya. Energi itu selanjutnya diubah menjadi energi listrik yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan.

Ide itu muncul karena aspal sering diterpa sinar matahari. Buktinya, kendati sudah malam, aspal masih tetap hangat. Keinginan memanfaatkan aspal untuk mengumpulkan energi makin besar karena ia ada di berbagai tempat!

Riset memanfaatkan aspal untuk mengumpulkan energi matahari pernah dicoba oleh Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) di Worcester, Massachusetts, pada 2006.

Caranya, seperti yang dipaparkan oleh David A Todd, insinyur senior dan pelatih di CEI Engineering Associates, Inc, dalam buildipedia.com, energi panas dikumpulkan melalui panel surya yang ditaruh di bawah lapisan aspal. Selanjutnya, energi panas diubah menjadi listrik. Dijelaskan pula, titik optimal panas berada sekitar dua inci di bawah permukaan aspal.

Tidak mudah
Kendati ide tersebut dinilai jenius dan tampak sederhana, pewujudannya tidaklah mudah. Pertanyaan yang muncul, bagaimana proses perawatan, misalnya, jika kita ingin mengganti panel surya? Kalau aspal sering dibongkar, kondisi itu dipastikan mengganggu kelancaran lalu lintas.

Pertanyaan tersebut dilontarkan oleh Gregory W Perry, PE, Senior Project Engineer for Flower Mound, Texas, ketika WPI mengumumkan pengembangan ide tersebut pertama kali di simposium tahunan International Society for Asphalt Pavements di Zurich, Swiss.

Gregory malah kemudian melontarkan ide dan solusi. Menurutnya, sebaiknya pengumpulan energi ini dilakukan di tempat-tempat beraspal yang jarang digunakan. Misalnya, area yang jarang dipijak di pinggir landasan bandara, pusat perbelanjaan atau mal, dan trotoar.

“Tempat parkir juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk hal ini. Aspalnya rusak karena panas ban dan mesin mobil plus matahari. Sayang, energi tersebut terbuang begitu saja,” ungkap Perry. Dia juga menjelaskan, jalan yang tidak bisa dimanfaatkan adalah tol dan jalanan di dalam kota yang padat.

Tiga lapis
Ide lebih ekstrem dilontarkan oleh Solar Roadways, sebuah perusahaan kecil di Sagle, Idaho. Pemiliknya, Scott dan Julie Burshaw, mengklaim sudah membuat protitipe pemanfaatan panas di jalan raya.

Jalan raya versi Solar Roadways ini terdiri dari tiga lapis. Lapisan atas atau pertama, dinamai Roadway Surface Layer dengan permukaan tembus pandang (semacam plastik atau gelas) yang keras, padat, dan berkontur. Dengan demikian, sinar matahari bisa menembus ke bagian lapisan yang mengumpulkan energi panas.

Lapisan kedua, pengontrol panas yang diperoleh sekaligus memantau kualitas panel dan perangkat (memberi tahu bahwa sejumlah komponen sudah harus diganti). Sementara itu, lapisan ketiga atau dasar (paling bawah) adalah panel surya lengkap dengan mekanisme untuk meneruskan energi kepada pengguna.

Lebih mantap lagi, lapisan pertama dipasangi pula dengan LED sebagai marka atau pesan buat pemakai jalan. Tulisan "maju" atau "stop" bisa tertera di situ.

Lapisan pertama ini pun terdiri dari beberapa komponen teknologi tinggi yang dapat mengukur kepekaan jalan terhadap beban sekaligus mengontrol energi yang diperoleh