We all know that's not ...... yes, that's a beverage companion if we eat junk food. I also drink it, um ..... if averaged only drink 2-3 glasses in a year ...! I hope this is not your favorite beverage right .....
Means we drink soda drinks contain sugar, preservatives and contains no nutrients.
We call it "empty calorie"
consume soft drinks or "liquid calories" is the biggest trigger of obesity other than junk food.
Why do liquid calories is a problem of obesity? when we drink calorie drinks that do not contain nutrients (empty calorie), this drink will make us faster and faster hungry thirsty. This is because the side effects of soda on an interesting beverage fluid in the cells of our bodies so that we will urinate more and forcing our blood sugar rises for a moment.
Liquid calories do not contain nutrients that we enter the calories that are not useful for the body. These calories can not be burned into energy the body, is the same calories as well as crackers foods that contain calories but useless because the body can not use it to energy.
What evidence? you will have no power over even if you drink 1.5 liters of soft drinks .... not compare if you eat rice or vegetables, although little, you will get additional energy.
this is the intent of the empty calorie.
whether we should not consume soft drinks? allowed, provided that we properly manage its portion.
This also applies to products "sugar diet" or "low-calorie sugar "..... does not mean that sugar is also safe for our consumption, we also have to manage them. Many people think sugar is safe. because it is considered safe, so people consume excessive, resulting yes nonetheless attacking obesity.
I really understand how we are very difficult to change their eating habits and customs of our lives, well at least we've tried to try. The important thing is to try sincerely and correctly, changing little by little is very much better than getting worse every year.
How do I avoid soda drinks? we start by replacing it with lemon juice or something. and then replace it again with plain water.
If you can replace your soda 1 cup every day, then ....... we can reduce our calorie intake is 55,000 calories a year!.
Yes ..... we can save an increase of 7 kg of our body weight just by replacing soda with 1 cup of water.
so be smart with your choices ..... drinks and avoid drinks 'empty calorie'
be healthy ......
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